Erneuerbare Energien im Einklang mit der Landwirtschaft
Battery Storage
Stabilising our energy supply
with flexibility
Entwickeln Sie mit uns Agri-PV-Projekte in Deutschland und ermöglichen Sie die sinnvolle Mehrfachnutzung von landwirtschaftlichen Böden.

We are currently projecting over 10 battery storage projects throughout Germany with an output of 5-50 megawatts per plant. Our pipeline includes over 200 megawatts and we cover development, realization, financing, and long-term operation of our projects.

Battery storage systems are the key drivers of the energy transformation

Stabilising the power grid

By providing balancing power, the storage systems help to stabilise our electricity grids.

Mitigating price peaks

Storing energy at times of high electricity demand and feeding it into the grid at low demand. That is the mission of our battery storage systems.

Load balancing

Battery storage systems are perfectly suited to compensate for unforeseen grid fluctuations.

Receive attractive annual lease payments for your land of up to 10.000 €/ha and more.
Request lease offer
You don't own any land yourself but know a landowner?

We offer a provision of at least €10,000 for arranging the contact. You will receive €1,000 upon conclusion of the lease agreement and the full commission when construction of the battery storage system begins.
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We are looking for locations for battery storage projects
We lease land in Germany over a period of 15 years or longer that is suitable for the construction of a battery storage system.
Our land requirements
Proximity to substation: ideally up to approx. 2 km away

Preferred types of land: Industrial and commercial areas (ideally unbuilt), conversion areas (former landfills, industrial and military areas), open spaces in the vicinity of substations
Distance to residential areas: If possible, due to possible noise development
Size: min. 0,5 ha
You don't own any land yourself but know a landowner?

We offer a provision of at least €10,000 for arranging the contact. You will receive €1,000 upon conclusion of the lease agreement and the full commission when construction of the battery storage system begins.
Mediate contact

You are interested?

You are interested in working with us and would like to lease your land? Or do you know landowners who are interested in leasing land for battery storage projects? Please feel free to contact us at any time.

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